
Running in Reykjavik 1

Last week I went to Reykjavik to write about Design March, Iceland’s Design Festival. I had a busy five days of product design, fashion design, store launches, bizarre food types, a computer gaming convention, parties and lot of laughing.

I’ve been to Iceland once before and it’s one of the most surreal places I visited. The sparse black volcanic rock landscape makes it look like you’ve landed on the moon, and Reykjavik itself is really pretty – all brightly painted corrugated iron houses and cosy coffee shops.

Despite the changeable weather – you can expect grey clouds, bright sunshine, hail storms, blizzards and Baltic winds all in one day, people here love to run! I joined Reykjavik’s runners on one of the most picturesque running routes I’ve taken – the peninsula.

It’s a coastal circuit outside the city centre that passes snow-capped mountains, lighthouses, brave birds bopping in the freezing sea and traditional fish drying and smoking huts. There’s so much to see that I almost didn’t notice the distance or the other runners.

Anyway, this is a little of what I saw. Inspired?

Guess the flag...
run like ‘elle. x