
Running in Paris

I've been in Paris for the last six days, for menswear fashion week.

I got my first hit of Olympic excitement as we were leaving St Pancras station on the Eurostar, and I saw the huge Olympic hoops. Not long now!

I always really enjoy menswear - especially as I'm a bit of a tom boy, and the Carven menswear collection was a highlight for me.

This is London designer Omar Kashoura dressing a model in an outfit from his latest collection.

I was greeted by a scantily clad surprise at the Les Garcons presentation, where each room of a hotel housed a group of models posing in their pants!

Paul Smith is a brand I'll always be fond of - I worked there for three years. And it was great to see the show with all the old team.

I made myself go for a run whilst I was there, and this is a little of what I passed on my way...

Even when it's grey, Paris is indisputably beautiful.

Oh yeah and a cheeky run like 'elle branding!